About Me

Person in a blue shirt with black curly hair standing in front of a background of a light blue brick wall.

My name is Ben Pettis and I am a PhD candidate in Media and Cultural Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In broad terms, my research considers internet culture—with a particular emphasis on the individual user and how their interactions and practices relate to larger platform and corporate entities. My work is situated within platform and software studies, working to establish histories of the internet that center non-dominant communities and focus on individuals’ everyday online experiences. I develop methods for studying and preserving various forms of online content and use digital tools to understand and critique how the Internet becomes situated within day-to-day life.

Read more about me on my personal website: benpettis.com.

Pettis Editing LLC

Pettis Editing LLC is a Limited Liability Company operating in the State of Wisconsin.

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